For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45

Ministry Team Leaders
Diane Clayton
Prayer Ministry oversees the prayer list and prayer chain to communicate clearly our congregational and community needs in prayer.
Ray and Sharon Gillespie
Guest Hospitality
Guest Hospitality Ministry seeks to provide a welcoming first connection with those visiting FCC and provide follow up as they seek to become involved.
John Earnhart
Christian Education
Christian Education Ministry oversees the adult and children's Sunday Schools as well as provides oversight in any curriculum needs to further any discipleship opportunities at FCC.
Pam Hinkle
Mary & Martha
Mary & Martha Ministry encourages the friends and members of FCC by responding to spiritual, social, and physical needs through Christian service. This includes kitchen ministry, funerals, showers and other expressions of sympathy, love and fellowship.
Drew Robison
Students and Media
Student Ministry carries out programs of evangelism, Christian education, and training in Christian services for youth and young adults.
Media Ministry bring creatives together to use their gifts in media. Things like graphic design, photography, videography, ect...
Media Ministry bring creatives together to use their gifts in media. Things like graphic design, photography, videography, ect...
Fallon Millis and Stacy Earnhart
Children’s Ministries oversee the main aspects of teaching our Pre-K though 4th grade children training and equipping volunteers for our Sunday service times and current mid-week programs.
Robin Hawk and Kim Carlsen
Finance Ministry plans and manages the physical and financial resources of the church.
Randy and Diana Schafer
Paul Prendergast
Brit Roberts
Missions Ministry will oversee information concerning the missions that are being supported by the membership of FCC and evaluate the validity of those mission organizations.
Worship Ministry encompasses the praise team, audio, and visuals during worship services to provide a worship service that flows seamlessly to eliminate any distractions while creating an atmosphere for the congregation to focus on seeking God.
Physical Properties
Physical Properties Ministry will maintain all FCC facilities and properties so that they are available for services, programs, and ministries.